Misery in the Name of Freedom

The book title above could have been used about Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria or Ukraine, just to mention a few recent examples, where the USA/NATO is a common denominator for the misery. However, the book Misery in the Name of Freedom by Al Burke is about Nicaragua. Although the events in the book took place many years ago, the book is highly relevant today, not least for those who may have any illusions about mainstream news. According to the former CIA analyst David MacMichael:

Anyone who reads this book will come away with an understanding
of how it has been possible that in the Unites States,
with its supposedly free press, the big liars have managed to
sell the big lies of the Reagan administration’s campaign of
terror against Nicaragua. Burke has put the facts together in a
way that will shock and anger newcomers to the subject,
while providing even well-versed readers with fresh data and

If more people had read Misery in the Name of Freedom, and if those responsible for the crime and abuse of power described in the book had been properly held accountable, not only Nicaragua would probably be much better off.

The new edition can be downloaded, free of charge, on the webpage of Nordic News Network.


The strange case of the suicide bomber in Stockholm 2010

Officials are apparently trying to cover up and mislead the public regarding the suicide bomber, who killed himself in Stockholm 2010. Is it to hide the danger caused by Sweden’s cooperation with USA/NATO for the Swedish people? Watch the TV documentary, that is available on SVT Play until 23 January (in Swedish). If watching the documentary makes you upset about the use of taxpayers’ money (remember that we pay the salary of these officials), rest assured that the situation is far worse than you think. First we pay billions to participate in the war in Afghanistan, which the suicide bomber himself said was the reason for his deed. Then refugees flee from Afghanistan because they cannot see a future in their country. despite the aid we put in. So paying officials who lie to us is only a small part of the misuse of our taxes, but that does not excuse it.

Record number of asylum-seekers from Afghanistan

When the latest war started in Afghanistan in 2001, the number of asylum-seekers in Sweden from Afghanistan went up. Since then, this number has not only remained at over 400 people per year, it is now at an all-time high of 5694 people during eight months (the numbers come from the Swedish Migration Agency’s present and historical data). There can of course be many reasons for this increase and the Swedish data does not give the full picture of the situation. Most Afghan refugees are in Pakistan. In total, 3.7 million Afghans are estimated to have been displaced. Behind such numbers are countless tragedies, such as the refugees found dead in a truck earlier this year.

Asylum-seekers in Sweden from Afghanistan

In any case, the refugee situation should make everyone question what the purpose of this war really was and what happened there? For example, was a purpose of involving Sweden to make us complicit in crime (which may be wanted by the main perpetrator)? Not officially, of course. However, a recent article about Swedish involvement in so-called kill decisions regarding airstrikes, mostly by drones, indicates that. There are also other sources claiming Swedes are involved in extrajudicial killings. Is this really helping the Afghan people?

Is the military the largest threat?

In the UK, the military threat to democracy is a hot topic after an army general warned that Jeremy Corbyn could face “a mutiny” from the military if he became prime minister. Although the general has been described as an “idiot”, it would not be surprising if there is some truth to what the general said. Remember that in 1976, prime minister Harold Wilson resigned, apparently under pressure of a planned military coup. Dark forces have probably already mobilized against Corbyn to explore many different ways to undermine him.

The military can be a threat to much more than democracy. Recently, a whistleblower warned on WikiLeaks that Trident submarines are a nuclear disaster waiting to happen.

Another threat is that the military-industrial complex has such an appetite for money and wars, which divert focus and resources from more important issues in the strive for a sustainable development.

Saudi Arabia will head human rights panel

“It’s like making a pyromaniac into the town fire chief”, according to Hillel Neuer of UN Watch. In The Intercept, we can read how USA welcomes Saudi Arabias leadership position and that they are close allies, while 21-year-old Ali Mohammed al-Nimr is waiting to be executed for engaging in demonstrations against the Saudi government. According to Reprieve (UK), which has started a petition to spare the life of al-Nimr, he was tortured and forced to sign a false confession before being sentenced to death by crucifixion.

In the meantime, Saudi Arabia is also continuing their war on Yemen, which is reported to cause many refugees. However, nothing is stopping the export of weapons to Saudi Arabia, even from Sweden.

It seems like living by double standards is nowadays a key qualification for many positions.

Postcard campaign about refugee crisis

With inspiration from other human rights associations’ postcard campaigns, when grassroots write for example to foreign leaders responsible for torture, Accoun has in Sweden organized a campaign to write about the refugee crisis to Swedish keypersons . We want to highlight that we in the west must stop making people refugees, something that is otherwise too often ignored.

The truth is that Swedish leaders have for many years played along with leaders in other western democracies, to promote war and violent regime changes, which have been huge failures. Often, this has been done in the name of democracy and humanitarian intervention, but made bad situations worse. Our elite, with the help of mainstream media, sometimes try to fool the public, and often succeed. However, more and more of us ordinary people are starting to see through the lies and hypocrisy, which has reached such heights that we can not stand it anymore.

Sweden’s former prime minister Göran Persson said last month that the arm should be twisted on EU politicians who do not take responsibility in the refugee issue. How about if he and other Swedes would take some responsibility for example for their involvement in the Iraq war, which is a root cause why so many people have become refugees. Another Swedish former prime minister, Carl Bildt, worked as a top lobbyist for the war (see page 36 in From Neutrality to NATO). Read more (in Swedish) how Swedish military helped planning the bombing of Baghdad, how Swedish weapons were smuggled to the attackers and some even found their way to infamous mercenaries.

If you want information about our campaign, write to us on info@accoun.org

Working with Gestapo

Sweden’s most shameful atrocities during World War II were probably carried out by the Swedish Security Service (Säpo), which cooperated with the German Gestapo and sent refugees to torture and death. See for example an archived article (in Swedish) by Lars Johansson.

Unfortunately, this history seems to repeat itself. Today, Säpo and other Swedish authorities are apparently cooperating with other foreign Gestapo-like organizations, showing no respect for human rights. It makes you wonder if the Swedish organizations are totally infiltrated and are actually serving foreign interests rather than the Swedish people? The result has again been torture and death. Especially refugees are threatened. Watch a video published earlier this year (in Swedish), exposing a glimpse of the shameful game Sweden is still playing.