How long can science be ignored?

Many people, not least architects and engineers, have for years understood that the official explanation of what happened on September 11, 2001, cannot be true. Science shows that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and others behind the official explanation must have misled the public. One can’t help asking, how long can science be ignored? And how could NIST be involved in this? And how long can mainstream media keep quiet about this or label science a “conspiracy theory”? Hopefully, this ignorance is now coming to an end, when the top construction news site in Canada has written an unbiased article about the collapse of WTC 7:

Sept. 11, 2001 is the tragedy of when two hijacked planes hit the WTC 1 and WTC 2 towers sending debris tumbling onto WTC 7. The NIST claimed that embers ignited a fire which then caused the 47-storey building to collapse on itself at 5:20 p.m., hours after the initial incident that morning.

“We have filed a request for correction because the NIST report is wrong,” says Ted Walter, spokesperson for AE911T, which is a group of 3,000 engineers, scientists and architects, including more than a dozen Canadians ones, that paid US$316,000 for the study.

“From an engineering perspective it is imperative to understand how and why this building came down under design load conditions,” said Walter.

Read the entire article in Daily Commercial News (and don’t miss the comments).

Joshua Schulte mistrial

When you search the internet for Joshua Schulte, it is suprising that not more recent news articles show up. He is the accused leaker of CIA hacking tools (“Vault 7” collection released by WikiLeaks 2017). On Techdirt, we can read that:

The verdict is now in, what there is of it. The case initially involved charges ranging from false statements to CFAA violations to copyright infringement (!) to child porn possession (!!!). Barely any of those charges have survived. A mistrial has been declared with jurors only finding Schulte guilty on the two least serious charges: false statements and contempt. Those won’t be enough to keep him in jail since he’ll likely be credited with time served. Schulte has been in jail since December of 2018.

This doesn’t mean it’s over.

According to the latest news we have found from Inner City Press:

The Government intends to re-try Mr. Schulte on the espionage charges … And we intend to move forward on the child pornography charges.

It makes you wonder if there is a strategy of some governments to destroy the reputation of the accused. Remember that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange has been labeled a rapist, based on what the UN’s Nils Melzer calls fabricated evidence.

Set Julian Assange free

See the new petition to set Julian Assange free on, which you are also welcome to sign. Many have already done so already. The petition refers to the UN’s Nils Melzer and highlights Sweden’s responsibility:

Assange was arrested for breach of bail in the UK, an act which is not a crime, as he feared extradition to Sweden for accusations of rape raised by the Swedish police. Melzer holds that Assange subsequent fear of extradition to Sweden and then further to the US was well founded.

The UN report argues that this and a number of other serious breaches of law may have been carried out by the authorities during the process against Assange. Sweden has, since it started this ball to roll, under the Protection from torture treaty (CAT) a responsibility also for the pain inflicted upon Assange in Belmarsh and Britain. The Swedish prosecutor and police have refused to respond to claims presented in letter of 12 September 2019. Not to respond to the Melzer/UN report and the serious accusations it presents is unacceptable. It undermines the authority of the United Nations.

Also a group of international jurists are calling for Julian Assange’s immediate release. The jurists’ letter to British authorities asks for the rule of law to be upheld.

“Modern witch trial” against Assange

In a recent interview on German TV, the UN expert Nils Melzer said about the Julian Assange case:

It is a modern witch trial. The purpose is to set an example to deter the public and especially the media, and to ensure that the media does not release information about state misconduct in an uncontrolled manner.

Earlier, Melzer said about the same case:

In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic states ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law

Also the Council of Europe (in section 6.2 of Resolution 2317) join the recommendation:

Assange’s extradition to the United States must be barred and that he must be promptly released

See also a recent interview with Thérèse Juel in Swedish (the part about Assange starts at around 46:30 into the video).

Julian Assange, 2013. Source:

Prisoners tortured in Ukraine

In a recent report, the UN strongly criticizes that prisoners are tortured on both sides the front line of the war in eastern Ukraine. The UN is also critical of the widespread impunity that prevails in Ukraine (including for the killings at Maidan and the fire at the Trade Unions building in Odesa in 2014) and attacks on human rights defenders, activists and media workers. Read the report in English, Russian, Ukrainian, related news in Swedish on Swedish Radio. or other OHCHR reports on Ukraine.

Human rights in Sweden reviewed

The human rights situation in Sweden has again been reviewed in the UN’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR), during January 2020. Accoun has, together with Charta 2008, submitted a report for the review.

Our submission was found admissible and is by the UN referred to as JS7. However, almost all of the issues we highlight are excluded in the “Summary of Stakeholders’ submissions on Sweden” (which can be downloaded under “Third Cycle” on Unfortunately the summary neglects some of the most severe human rights abuses related to Sweden and neglects the case related to the UN sanctions system. For example, the impunity issues and lack of rule of law we reported are absent in the summary’s section on “Administration of justice, including impunity, and the rule of law”.

We were also sad to see that reporting by media and other NGOs about the review of Sweden seems to have neglected some of the most severe human rights issues, desipte that we sent our report to some of them.