Lack of legal equality also for hackers

During November, the hacker Jeremy Hammond received a 10 year jail sentence in the USA. Earlier, other individuals who have created computer viruses have been sentenced to jail. However, governments are sadly the leaders in this type of crime, and they get away with it. For example, the ‘Flame’ virus has been named the greatest threat against Swedish security, and it obviously originates from the governments of the USA and Israel. Even more surprising is that many other governments are not speaking up to stop this, warning for the threat or letting potential victims know how to avoid the threat.

Time to open the secret files

In November 1953, the biological warfare specialist Frank Olson died by falling from a hotel window in New York. The US government has afterwards admitted that Olson had before the fall been dosed with LSD by the CIA without his knowledge and offered his family a settlement, which they accepted. Later, facts have emerged, which speak for that Olson was actually murdered by the CIA. The investigative journalist H P Albarelli Jr. has showed that a link exists with an event in the French village Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1951. In an interview he also explains the links to the ongoing ‘war on terror’.

The least we can demand is that all secret files related to Olson are now opened. It is after all SIXTY YEARS AGO! Please also see the Olson Family Statement.

Like a growing cancer on society

In many countries of the world, so-called intelligence organizations are expanding their work, like a growing cancer on society. We will probably never fully know what these organizations, like the Swedish FRA, are doing with all this money. However, the Swedish newspaper DN has reported that FRA has repeatedly broken rules and pushed the boundaries of what is permissible. It is obvious that FRA is cooperating with foreign organizations involved in very questionable activities, like spying on European politicians. Despite this, a spokesperson for FRA recently said that ‘the reason we give out raw data to other countries is that we trust those we work with, and that we ourselves seek this type of information’, according to an article in Ny Teknik.

When members of Sweden’s Parliamentary Defense Committee visited FRA earlier this month, they hade before sent a number of questions, of which some were not answered by FRA. We are very surprised to read that some politicians who participated in the visit, still expressed that they were content and had confidence in FRA. As citizens and taxpayers, we have many reasons not to be content with the intelligence community, and how could we have confidence when insight is so reduced?

UK wants to stop free press

In the aftermath of The Guardian’s publications of leaks from Edward Snowden, the reactions from the UK government are becoming more and more bizzare. Earlier, counterterrorism legislation was misused to detain the partner of a journalist. Now a Royal Charter has been signed, which is by some described as the end of more than 300 years of press freedom. We certainly hope this will not stop the press from the important task, to inform the public about what the government is actually doing. Democracy is not working if voters are prevented from knowing the truth.

Whistleblower protection in Europe

Protecting whistleblowers is important in order to stop corruption and other forms of crimes. In a recent report, Transparency International has assessed the adequacy of whistleblower protection laws in 27 member countries of the European Union. One of the countries identified to have the best protection for whistleblowers is Romania.

Military rape

Headlines once again remind us of sexual violence related to military activity:
Sri Lanka: Rape of Tamil Detainees
Rape and domestic violence follow Syrian women into refugee camps
Sexual violence in the global war on terror
Is There an Army Cover-Up of Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?
The list of examples above could unfortunately be much longer. As with other forms of government-related crime, ordinary citizens find themselves in the strange and unwanted situation of often financing both the criminals and the cover-up of the crimes, by the taxes they have to pay. This is not acceptable.

President gets away with murder again

On this site, we have earlier explained why US president Obama was in August reported to Swedish police for crimes against humanity. However, there was no sign of this when Obama visited Sweden in September. Afterwards, we have found out that the Swedish Prosecution Authority in Stockholm decided to close the case without forwarding it to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for further investigation. The authority did obviously not take into account that some of the alleged crimes were committed on territory, where ICC has jurisdiction. This is not the first time president Obama gets away with murder. In 2011, the Texas congressman Ron Paul said that the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki might be an impeachable offense. However, the impeachment has not yet taken place. Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki died in two separate drone strikes in Yemen 2011. Both were American citizens, making it a clear breach of the US constitution to deny them a fair trial.

A rare case of conviction for torture

In the Chinese torture case reported earlier on this site, six Communist Party officials have been sentenced to jail, according to BBC and other news media. This is a rare case of conviction for torture, although torture has happened in many countries, and even more countries have been complicit in sending people to torture or hosting secret prisons used for this. The wide-spread secrecy and impunity surrounding torture is one of the main reasons why torture can continue.

The world day against the death penalty

Today, the 10 October, is the international day against death penalty. In many cases of death penalty, we must ask ourselves who the real criminals are, for example when executing the innocent. A number of wrongful executions have been documented in several countries. Amnesty International has even reported a case in Somalia where a child was stoned after being raped. China and Iran are the highest users of death penalty in the world.