Far from a due process

Rebels and alike, who take government powers in the area they control, are sometimes behind some of the worst human rights abuses. Recently we have been reached by news from eastern Ukraine, where a man is sentenced to death by firing squad in a “trial” far from a due process. While this lack of due process must be condemned and seen as a crime itself, the shocking truth is that in many other countries (including western democracies), some suspects may not even get a trial at all.

‘Stay Behind’ must be fully investigated

During the Cold War, so called ‘Stay Behind’ movements were started by NATO/CIA in several European counties. In some countries, like Switzerland, ‘Stay Behind’ has been investigated. It was also condemned by the European parliament. However, the demands for an investigation of ‘Stay Behind’ in Sweden have so far been ignored. In a Swedish article last year, Inga-Britt Ahlenius wrote about the possible connection with the murder of Sweden’s prime minister Olof Palme.

Medical experiments

After about sixty years, medical experiments conducted on unknowing Guatemalans by the USA were revealed by professor Susan M. Reverby. This included deliberately infecting hundreds of people with sexually transmitted diseases, and have by Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom been described as a crime against humanity. We are still waiting for more than apologies. Questions also arise if/where/when other similar experments have occured? Full accountability is very important for such tragedies not to be repeated.