Looting of Greece

Will the leaders who are allowing the looting of Greece to take place ever be held accountable? Probably they will be rewarded instead. Notice also how much of mainstream media that call the looting for rescue (because a flawed banking system is rescued?) and how they fail to mention important facts, such as the problems of high military spending and tax evasion. Read Paul Craig Roberts’ article and the New Statesman interview with Yanis Varoufakis.

Will UN tackle impunity?

UN peacekeepers are accused of sexually abusing children and the UN seems to have tried to cover it up. See the news report on Democracy Now. The suspended French soldiers are probably not the only cases in what is called pandemic. By the way, why are they only suspended and not arrested?

However, this is not only happening under the wings of the UN. From before, we know that impunity for perpetrators and ill-treatment of whistleblowers is in reality widespread among many nations. This culture of impunity is actually the root of so many of the human rights violations, wars and huge environmental problems.

For the UN to tackle its own culture of impunity would be a good start, but we must face that the problem is much bigger.

The quiet press

Sometimes, the press is remarkably quiet. So quiet, that we understand the subject is very important.

The Spiegel’s recent news about an attack on press freedom is a clear example. How come that so much of the other media, which are otherwise so keen to stand up for the freedom of the press, are not even reporting a single line about this? As Harold Pinter said before about similar matters related to the United States, it is as if it never happened.

Last week, news also emerged about the government surveillance of Amnesty International, by GCHQ, which is cooperating with the US. This has also been underreported in a remarkable way, for example in Sweden. Amnesty’s Swedish website had not even mentioned this news on their own website, at the time of writing this blog post.

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter instead praises the US for their defense of freedom, democracy and human rights. Read the editorial by Martin Liby Alonso and a comment by Anders Romelsjö (both in Swedish).

Torture and lack of accountability

The report with the above mentioned title has been published on the web page of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights. Among other things, the report mentions the Phoenix programme, carried out during the Vietnam war. The other day, we could read also read an article about special forces, connecting that past with present activities. We wish torture was something of the past, but unfortunately it is not. For example, the Afghan government has earlier ordered special forces to leave a province, after receiving reports about torture and disappearance of Afghan civilians. Democracy Now, Rolling Stone and many others have reported about torture in Afghanistan, and we know that is not the only place where this is happening. We wish these were isolated mistakes, but it is too systematic for that. Looking at the total picture, a more appropriate label seems to be crimes against humanity.