About the murder of Olof Palme

On the 10 June 2020, Swedish chief prosecutor Krister Peterson named a deceased person as the main suspect for the murder of Olof Palme in 1986 and announced that the official investigation will be closed. Many have been critical agaist this, for example the journalist Nils Funcke (this link and all further links in this post […]

The cover-up of the murder of Olof Palme

Gunnar Wall is an award-winning Swedish journalist, who has written several books about the murder of Olof Palme on Sveavägen in Stockholm, 1986. On Gunnar Wall’s blog, you can read the remarkable story (in Swedish) of how a man named Ebbe Carlsson strived to establish a sham solution to the unsolved murder and how this […]

Lost confidence in police and judiciary

In Sweden, we can see a very worrying development, where many people have lost confidence in police and judiciary. For example, some shop owners don’t bother to report crime to the police because it usually doesn’t lead anywhere and many journalists have low confidence in the judiciary (all links in this post are to Swedish […]

New edition of the book M/S Estonia

This review is written by former helicopter mechanic and rescue swimmer Sven Ruin (who served on Swedish rescue helicopters 1989-1990, but not in 1994 when Estonia sank): Stefan Torssell has written an outstanding book. I already knew from before that it was very revealing. After reading the new edition from 2020, I can say it […]

Britain’s democratic fabric is being eroded

An article published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) warns: The saying goes that if a frog is put into a pan of water and the heat is gradually raised, it will never react to the rising threat and die as a result. This fable will likely resonate with those observing the state of democracy in […]


2024 During 2024, Folkets Radio has made two interviews in Swedish, where Accoun is mentioned. See the first one about the extreme incitement to war in Sweden, on Rumble, Odyssee or YouTube. See the second one about the nail in the coffin for Swedish sovereignty, for example on Rumble. Interview with Sven Ruin in FiB/Kulturfront […]

”Know that the police is involved”

Robert Gustafsson, a well known Swedish comedian and actor, recently spoke about the murder of Olof Palme. The following is a translation from a Swedish article in Newsner: On February 28, 1986, he was just a short distance from Palme. Now he’s sure. The Palme murder was a commissioned work. “I know that the police is involved,” […]

Daniele Ganser’s book on NATO

Last year, the Swedish translation of NATO’s Secret Armies was published. The following is a translation to English of a book review in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet: Speculative about power Conspiracy takes over and Bush is being blamed Book reviews Thu 22 Dec 2016 Eleven years have passed since Daniele Ganser published his to journalism processed dissertation […]