Category Archives: Uncategorized

An insider’s view of the CIA

As news are spread about WikiLeaks‘ recently published documents on CIA hacking tools and espionage orders for the 2012 French election, it is worth reminding about Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty. See The Col. L Fletcher Prouty Reference Site and his book The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, where he writes that:

It must be uncovered. It must be made known. It must be exposed to the light. And then it must be told No. To be effective, this means that Congress must cut its money off, not only at the central source, but at all the hidden nerve centers.

Before it is too late, we Americans must realize that this great cancer exists.

The murders of women in Honduras

The murder of Berta Cáceres still receives some attention in the media, for example in The Guardian, which recently wrote that it was an extrajudicial killing planned by military intelligence specialists linked to the country’s US–trained special forces. Before the assassination in her home, she singled out Clinton for her role supporting the Honduran coup. See also Justice for Berta,

Last year, the activist Lesbia Janeth Urquía was also killed in Honduras.

It reminds about the statement “anyone can murder a woman in Honduras and nothing will happen“.

Fake history made in Sweden

Last year, an updated edition was published of the book I mörka vatten (In dark waters), written by Mathias Mossberg. The book explains how parts of the Swedish military, in cooperation with USA/NATO, deceived the Swedish people regarding foreign submarines in Swedish waters. To cover up what really happened, some Swedish insiders have apparently made documentation disappear and replaced it with fake history, blaming everything on Soviet/Russia. Others, who have tried to tell the truth, have for example been bullied. The book also asks the question if Swedish politician Carl Bildt was fooled himself of if he fooled the rest of us?

This deceit still continues today. For example, if you visit the Swedish Naval Museum in Karlskrona, take a close look at the exhibition regarding the cold war and compare it to what Mossberg writes. The exhibition tells visitors that “unlike NATO, which focused on defense, the Warsaw Pact had detailed attack plans”, while the reality was probably that NATO countries were successfully conducting psychological warfare against Sweden. Another Swedish politician, Ingvar Carlsson, appears on video in the exhibition. Was he also fooled or is he still fooling us today?

It looks like the Swedish Armed Forces has tried a submarine trick again in recent years, in order to get more funds and scare Sweden to get closer to NATO.

Now, Swedish newspapers report that:

Sweden is subject to constant attacks by Russian senders. But despite increased awareness and an increasingly aggressive Russia, there is a lack of resources, according to the Psyop unit that monitors the information environment.

It is of course likely that Russia is involved in information warfare, but they are hardly the only ones, and it is clear that Russia does not have media supremacy in Sweden. The Psyop unit, like so some other Swedish authorities, seem to be leaving out very essential information.

Can Swedes really trust their own military today? Who does the military really serve?

Child murders continue under Trump

At the end of January, The Intercept reported that president Trump personally authorized an attack in Yemen, where one of the killed was an 8-year old girl, Nawar. Her 16-year old brother Abdulrahman was killed by a drone strike under the Obama administration. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism provides more details on the nine young children killed in the recent attack and reminds about Trump’s campaign statement to take out the families of terrorists. According to The New York Times, the White House continues to insist that the attack was a “success”, but Yemen’s reaction has been strong.

Furthermore, an editorial in Business Insider points out that:

  • Obama started US involvement in Yemen secretly and illegally
  • SEALs were sent into the line of fire without constitutionally-required authorization from Congress
  • US intervention in Yemen not defending any American interests, it is counterproductively fostering the very terrorists

Who will decide what the allowed opinions are?

Censorship in Europe is an increasing threat against basic human rights and eventually against rule of law.

In October, Swedish Radio reported (in Swedish) about a proposal from the Danish government. The security police would be allowed to:

  • Trace and remove propaganda by entering servers and delete material
  • Force Internet providers to block domains abroad which contain propaganda

They also reported about the proposed “common sense voices”, a task force to provide countermeasures when radical messages are spread in social media.

Already in 2011, Rick Falkvinge highlighted the risk of opening the door for censorship, even it it is for a good cause. It now appears that he has been proven right.

In Germany, the paper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) seems to be threatened with censorship. Read their call for help (in German). Interestingly, they have published articles such as the following, which are critical of the West:

Obviously, state criminals in the West don’t want the public to know about their crimes, and will do anything to stop such information from getting attention. If it is not enough to label critical voices as “conspiracy theorists” or “Putin lovers”, censorship seems to be a possible method.

Daniele Ganser’s book on NATO

Last year, the Swedish translation of NATO’s Secret Armies was published. The following is a translation to English of a book review in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet:

Speculative about power

Conspiracy takes over and Bush is being blamed

Book reviews Thu 22 Dec 2016

Eleven years have passed since Daniele Ganser published his to journalism processed dissertation on Nato’s power structures in Western Europe of the Cold War: That included Sweden.

Nato guided and supervised under two models: partly through the stay-behind systems, a parallel invisible paramilitary apparatus of power ready to fight attempts to invade from the Soviet Union, partly through controlled terror actions, “the fear strategy”, directed toward the political left, especially the large Communist parties of that time in Italy and France. In these operations, the security service allied itself with right-wing extremists.

Ganser credibly shows Nato’s and CIA’s power over the Western European security systems.

However, he is too conspiratorial in the description of terrorism links to the US and British security services. He simply lacks reliable sources to base his analyzes on and the notes are woefully thin.

Ganser also recognizes that he mainly relies on secondary sources or newspaper. The criticism against him has been massive from the majority of the scientific community.

Ganser speculates to the limit of parody. Olof Palme should – actually – have been murdered because of his Nato-resistance and it is hinted that the murderers came from the West’s security service.

He more than suggests that George Bush himself launched the September 11 massacre, in order to combat any kind of terrorism without restrictions. Aldo Moro, the Italian prime minister, was allegedly murdered by a conspiracy between Western security services and the Red Brigades.

When I read the sections, to which I have devoted much of my time, like Italy and France, I discover many errors.

The question you ultimately ask yourself becomes: Why is this broken-criticized and decade old book published, right now? At a time when the entire global security system has been rewritten and the center of war and terror moved from Europe to the Middle East and when we learned immeasurably by Assange and Snowden of espionage, surveillance, terror and power politics.

Nato’s Secret Armies
Daniele Ganser
Transl. Stefan Lindgren
Karneval förlag


Here we the pleasure to publish a review of Aftonbladet’s review:

A perfect example

I used to think that the mass media’s duty was to critically examine the rulers and authorities. That is the way I still think they should work, which is essential for a functioning democracy.

However, Aftonbladet’s review of Daniele Ganser’s book on NATO, is a perfect example of how today’s mass media often take another role: To protect the rulers and authorities, even from well-founded suspicions of state crime.

Aftonbladet’s reviewer, Olle Svenning, does a highly professional job in smearing Ganser, a bit like a professional executioner who prepares the gallows for a dissident. Personally, I’m not even sure if Svenning has read the entire book, if he really believes what he wrote or if he has any facts to support it. But I believe that does not really matter to Svenning’s superiors, because Svenning must have delivered exactly what they expected.

This book is absolute dynamite and it is natural that very influential powers want to discredit it. If the book was used as a starting point for further investigations and prosecutions, ordinary citizens might find out the truth about serious criminality with links to the highest places, the real perpetrators might be caught and the prospects of a revived democracy with a real justice system and less terror would be much better.

I’m sad to see that Aftonbladet has taken the position they did, without even stating which facts the conclusions are based on. I have written to Aftonbladet asking about the many alleged errors concerning Italy and France, but have received no reply so far. Thus, Svenning calls Ganser’s 50 pages of notes “thin”, but does not seem able or willing to provide a single comment to support his own claims about errors. Also, Svenning does not mention with one word that Ganser has a Swedish historian, Mats Deland, as co-author for some of the chapters.

In my opinion, we should be thankful to Ganser and Deland for the excellent work they have done, despite the difficulties they must have faced and the possible shortcomings of the book. For example, some chapters are extremely short (only one page), although there is probably much more to tell. Because of the origin of the main author, Ganser, I would have like to read more especially about Switzerland.

Regarding Svenning’s final question, the book can actually be essential for starting to understand how hidden state crime might be taking place also today, although the perpetrators seem to be independent extremist groups. It is, in my opinion, likely that Muslim extremists have since a number of years taken the place of left extremists, to blame even if a state is behind the terror. To just slightly modify the pattern of the old crimes and still get away with it is of course easy if you have mass media on your side.


Udo Ulfkotte found dead

The former newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte, who exposed CIA, has been found dead at an age of only 56. The underreporting of his book Bought Journalists, for example in Sweden, is a telling illustration of how most of today’s mainstream media work: To ignore, ridicule or exclude those who try to try to report some of the most inconvenient truths of our time.

From history, such as World War II, we learned the importance of air supremacy. One definition of it is the “degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference.” Now we must realize the analog concept of media supremacy and the importance of it. Obviously, the USA holds the media supremacy in many countries, which is key to enable them to do what they want.

Ulfkotte still had the courage to speak out. His book became a bestseller. In case you doubt what he wrote, listen to the CIA’s secret propaganda war in Sweden, a documentary by Swedish Radio (in Swedish). When a long time has passed, mainstream media seem more capable to report about such sensitive issues. If the CIA was doing this in the 1950s and 1960s, do you think they have stopped or have developed it further?

Giulio Regeni would have been 29 years old

Yesterday would have been the 29th birthday for Giulio Regeni, if he had not been tortured and killed at the end of January or beginning of February 2016. We still remember you, Giulio Regeni. When will the suspicions against Egyptian authorities be fully investigated? We still demand justice for Giulio Regeni, but not only for him.

Read more about the recent tweet from his mother (in Italian).


The photo shows objects claimed to have been found 24 March 2016 by the Egyptian police (including documents of Giulio Regeni). Photo source: Wikimedia Commons.