Monthly Archives: February 2020

Human rights in Sweden reviewed

The human rights situation in Sweden has again been reviewed in the UN’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR), during January 2020. Accoun has, together with Charta 2008, submitted a report for the review.

Our submission was found admissible and is by the UN referred to as JS7. However, almost all of the issues we highlight are excluded in the “Summary of Stakeholders’ submissions on Sweden” (which can be downloaded under “Third Cycle” on Unfortunately the summary neglects some of the most severe human rights abuses related to Sweden and neglects the case related to the UN sanctions system. For example, the impunity issues and lack of rule of law we reported are absent in the summary’s section on “Administration of justice, including impunity, and the rule of law”.

We were also sad to see that reporting by media and other NGOs about the review of Sweden seems to have neglected some of the most severe human rights issues, desipte that we sent our report to some of them.