Monthly Archives: October 2017

Impunity – a global problem

Santiago Maldonado was recently found dead at a river in southern Argentina, close to where he was last seen being detained by the federal police. This appears to be a case of “forced disappearance” where the government tries to prevent things from being clarified. Argentina is a country with a sad history of impunity, that unfortunately seems to repeat itself.

However, don’t make the mistake to think that impunity is a problem that just occurs in Argentina. We actually need to face that it may be happening in our own country, as pointed out in the article Murder with impunity in Russia … and the U.S.

When impunity even happens in a country like Sweden (see for example the Swedish book Spår, by Lena Sundström), we must realize that impunity is a global problem.

If you want to join our protests against impunity, we can be contacted at

The cover-up of the murder of Olof Palme

Gunnar Wall is an award-winning Swedish journalist, who has written several books about the murder of Olof Palme on Sveavägen in Stockholm, 1986. On Gunnar Wall’s blog, you can read the remarkable story (in Swedish) of how a man named Ebbe Carlsson strived to establish a sham solution to the unsolved murder and how this cover-up was tied to the highest authorities – even to Olof Palme’s successor.

Many people in Sweden have heard about Ebbe Carlsson. In 1988 he was designated “the Swede of the year”. He died in 1992 after explaining on TV that he had AIDS. However, not so many have understood what his role really was regarding the murder investigation and the implications of that. The recent Swedish Television documentary about the Ebbe Carlsson affair did not help much to bring any real understanding either. On the contrary, the documentary appears to have tried to obfuscate and gloss over.

That is why Gunnar Wall’s comments on the documentary are so important. His conclusion is:

Much points to that if the deed on Sveavägen had been investigated without preconceptions, it had been found that Olof Palme became a victim of the Cold War because, by the end of his life, he so unambiguously chose to work for disarmament instead of secret cooperation with the military alliance NATO. And such a possible background to the murder was not even allowed to be hinted.

The way the murder investigation has been handled is a strong indication that Gunnar Wall is correct.

There is more information about Ebbe Carlsson pointing in the same direction on the web page of Anders Jallai (in Swedish), where you can also watch a discussion with Olof Frånstedt, who was a chief at the Swedish Security Service SÄPO.