Monthly Archives: October 2019

The anthrax blame game

Do you remember the anthrax letters that terrorized the United States, in connection to the well known 9/11 attacks, 18 years ago? Someone obviously wanted to blame these deadly letters on Muslims. Some letters with anthrax incuded the following lines of text:

Death to [country name removed].
Death to [country name removed].
Allah is great.

Almost at once, Iraq was named as a prime suspect (not only for the anthrax, but also for somehow being involved in the 9/11 attacks) and Pentagon hardliners pressed for strikes on Saddam.

However, it was later concluded that the source of the anthrax was a U.S. bioweapons laboratory.

Finally, authorities blamed the anthrax letters on a single individual, Dr. Bruce E. Ivins, who worked at U.S. Army’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. After that, Ivins was hospitalized for depression and died in 2008, officially from suicide. In 2010, the FBI closed its investigation.

The FBI investigation results, claiming that Ivins carried out the anthrax attacks entirely on his own, have later been questioned, among others by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Government Accountability Office.

Watch the KenFM interview in German with Heiko Schöning (also available as MP3 for download), about his book on this subject.

When will there be real accountability for killing civilians?

The Intercept writes about the skyrocketing number of civilian deaths in the U.S. wars:

In the early years of occupying Afghanistan, the U.S. could rightfully claim that the Taliban insurgency was killing more civilians than the coalition. But, according to United Nations figures, the U.S. and its local allies have actually killed more civilians in Afghanistan this year than the Taliban.

The article also mentions Nancy Pelosi’s statement that “no one is above the law”, which sounds like a joke. However, the reality is so sad, that this is not anything to joke about.

Real accountability is in many cases very distant, also in countries we call western democracies. Mainstream media are also part of the problem. For example (the following links are to Swedish content): Swedish Radio reports that violence against children is increasing in the war in Afghanistan, but does not mention the issue of accountability of western leaders for the situation. The Swedish TV show Skavlan has been criticised regarding Afghanistan by Rune Lanestrand. Skavlan also gave an elite soldier, who has been in Afghanistan, the opportunity to explain why he does not regret killing people, and avoided critical questions to a top politician. It happens that demands for investigations are published by mainstrem media, but seldom, and too little is obviously done to follow this up.

You are welcome to contact us at Accoun, to join us to try to change this.